ar X iv : g r - qc / 9 31 20 25 v 1 1 5 D ec 1 99 3 Curvature and Flatness in a Brans - Dicke Universe
The evolution of a universe with Brans-Dicke gravity and nonzero curvature is investigated here. We present the equations of motion and their solutions during the radiation dominated era. In a Friedman-Robertson-Walker cosmology we show explicitly that the three possible values of curvature κ = +1, 0,−1 divide the evolution of the Brans-Dicke universe into dynamically distinct classes just as for the standard model. Subsequently we discuss the flatness problem which exists in Brans-Dicke gravity as it does in the standard model. In addition, we demonstrate a flatness problem in MAD Brans-Dicke gravity. In general, in any model that addresses the horizon problem, including inflation, there are two components to the flatness issue: i) at the Planck epoch curvature gains importance, and ii) during accelerated expansion curvature becomes less important and the universe flattens. In many cases the universe must be very flat at the Planck scale in order for the accelerated epoch to be reached, thus there can be a residual flatness problem. to be published in Nuclear Physics B, submitted August 30, 1993
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : g r - qc / 9 50 20 02 v 1 1 F eb 1 99 5 YITP / U - 95 - 2 Density fluctuations in Brans - Dicke inflation ∗
Spectrum of density perturbations in the Universe generated from quantumgravitational fluctuations in slow-roll-over inflationary scenarios with the Brans-Dicke gravity is calculated. It is shown that after inflation the isocurvature mode of perturbations may be neglected as compared to the adiabatic mode, and that an amplitude of the latter mode is not significantly different from that in the ...
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The standard tenet that Brans–Dicke theory reduces to general relativity in the ω → ∞ limit has been shown to be false when the trace of the matter energy– momentum tensor vanishes. The issue is clarified in a new approach and the asymptotic behaviour of the Brans–Dicke scalar is rigorously derived. To appear in Physics Letters A
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We have studied the time dependence of ω for an expanding universe in the generalised B-D theory and have obtained its explicit dependence on the nature of matter contained in the universe in different era.Lastly, we discuss how the observed accelerated expansion of the present universe can be accomodated in the formalism.
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